- Family farmers who feed everyone lose sales every day to factory-made feed. Subsidized, high-emissions ethanol ‘co-products’ displace sales of commodity corn and soybean meal used for livestock feed by undercutting price.
- The growing global population needs more food per acre FAST without further nutritional declines in the world’s commodity soybeans and corn. Soybean and corn nutrient levels have declined since biotechnology debuted. That trend continues unchecked while biofuel policies measurably undermine soybean protein, which is inverse to oil.
- A new strategy is needed to address the natural consequences of feeding more people with fewer acres than USA farmed in 1920 — while also meeting the rapidly increasing demand for food exports.
- The two largest genetics providers have declined to reverse the nutrient losses since biotech debuted.
- Soybean and corn pricing changes at each point in the food chain. The protein pricing which processors use is out of date, inaccurate, and unreliable for future needs. A systemic ecosystem solution is missing until NOW! (See USDA presentation link below.) The nutrition ‘light needs to be unhidden from under the bushels.’
The commodity checkoff system has splintered crop and livestock farmers into artificially competitive social camps.The silos prevent shared success.
Science and marketing teams who offer solutions have watched their work buried by a few greedy commodity checkoff scoundrels for at least 12 years. Misinformation is rampant from marketeers who rake in millions maintaining status quo. “Defectors” are subjected to blacklisting, ridicule, or expensive legal threats. Nothing is new under the Sun.
- Checkoff system reform is needed to match how nature works, instead of enabling inhuman nature. Ranchers agree: https://www.westernagreporter.com/…/ranch-group…/
New science is needed. USDA praised the findings and requested this file to forward inside the department. Congress requested it too! The officials said they are considering the findings. A response is pending. Here is a PowerPoint summarizing the ecosystem science finding: https://proactivism.com/…/USDA-meeting-2022-11-18-Final…
New teamwork is needed across the barnyard. Family farmer viewpoints:
Ecosystem science discovery video:
The last rainforests and grasslands are destroyed faster when protein takes a back seat to climate:
Proactivism™ is a grassroots volunteer effort. There is a seed of faith we all can do better with the sciences, farm families, and city customers working together in local teams!
Please share if you care about family farmers, protecting nature, and your own food supply.