Proactivism® Builds Family Farm

Revenue, Food Sustainability,

and creates Common Ground
among involved parties

Farmers and families have a positive new way to advance farm revenue and food sustainability together faster and more economically. Proactivism takes a Natural path to farm and food teamwork that focuses on local ecosystem projects.

Proactivism® Builds Family Farm

Revenue, Food Sustainability,

and creates Common Ground
among involved parties

Farmers and families have a positive new way to advance
farm revenue and food sustainability together faster
and more economically. Proactivism takes a Natural
path to farm and food teamwork that focuses on local
ecosystem projects.

Food and Energy Sustainability start with a Seed and the Feed

A team of university and commercial scientists have made an ecosystem discovery hiding inside nature at the intersection of soybeans, corn and monogastric livestock diet.

Better Feed

Independent agronomy and nutrition scientists have discovered discovered ways to protect ecosystems and capture billions of dollars in value potential hiding inside soybeans because of variety-level differences in nutritional quality. Improving soybean protein naturally helps increase family farm revenue and advance food sector sustainability goals at the same time. Please sign up here to help U.S. farmers improve feed quality, reduce feed costs, and reduce lifecycle emissions from livestock operations.

Green Energy

Corn and soybean farmers are biofuel production leaders. Biodiesel value can increase starting with seed selection. Proactivism supports teamwork between genetics providers and biodiesel producers to unlock the billions of dollars in incremental value that are possible over time by selecting varieties that deliver maximum oil value. Please sign up here if you would like to help soybean growers produce the most biodiesel per acre.

Sustainable Food

When livestock feed or food oil crops are produced more efficiently, family farm sales and food sustainability metrics also improve. Proactivists believe people should own farm and food sustainability, not marketers or bureaucrats. Proactivism works with FieldRise scientists and other farm and food experts to make it easy for everyone to measure their sustainability practices and find common ground around farming and food. Sign up here to join a movement that is powered by farmers, families, free markets, and field-level facts.

Health Protection

In 2020, university research confirmed what innovative pig nutritionists first noticed 10 years ago: Ingredients found in soybeans convey natural resistance to respiratory virus activity, reduce inflammation, and also help improve pig growth. Because pigs and humans have similar physiology, this finding could have human health benefits. Please sign up here if you are interested in health effects of soybeans.

Giving Voice to Family Farms

For far too long factor food companies have tried to tell family farmers how to farm.  Field-level facts that are educated and implemented properly will help protect the whole ecosystem.

Farmers and families have a positive new way to advance farm revenue and food sustainability together: faster and more economically. Proactivism takes a Natural path to farm and food teamwork that focuses on local ecosystem projects.

Today’s U.S. agriculture system is the most productive and efficient the world has ever seen. U.S. farmers feed 234 million more people with about the same amount of land that was farmed in 1900. The good news about farming is easily overpowered by opponents of modern agriculture. There is room for improvement.  Modern agriculture is a fragmented system that is inflexible, and farmers and consumers are more disconnected than ever. Proactivism brings the farming and food worlds together to improve sustainability while protecting family farmers who are the foundation of the food chain.